NEW Beat the bloat

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Product Details

Aqua X is a groundbreaking new product that helps with excess fluid retention naturally, whilst also supporting gut health.

With Psyllium Husk, Vitamin B3, Inulin, Aniseed and Fellel, this tiny capsule delivers results FAST.
If you, like many of us, hold extra water weight that leaves you bloated and puffy, and want to boost your gut health naturally, you need something to help
AquaX is a fast acting, quick-fix solution for helping flush out water held in the abdomen, ankles and face and is especially helpful for women who hold excess fluid during their time of the month.

Works quickly with no side effects

Take 2 capsules daily with water. Ensure you drink plenty of water with your Aqua X

Aqua X can help you achieve a leaner, slimmer look in a short space of time by flushing out excess water around your tummy & face. Did you know that our body fat is around 10% water?

Flushing out the excess water & toxins can help you appear slimmer and more toned - perfect for getting into shape before a special event.


Psyllium Husk, calcium, Inulin, cranberry extract, Glucomannan,Vitamin C, Vitamin B3, fennel seed extract, aloe Vera extract, aniseed extract, sea buckthorn extract, genetian root extract, lactobacillus acidophilus


*This is a very strong product we advise that you start with a quarter of a scoop for the first few days then move up to half a scoop for a couple of days before you move onto a full scoop. *

Results you will love

Our skinny juice is perfect for anyone who is looking for an all in one super product, packed with a brand new greens formula, berry formula, antioxidants, vitamins and the amazing groundbreaking SHRED BLEND.

Skinny Juice is our fastest selling product of all time thanks to the numerous 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Reviews

Capsules can only hold 500mg of product, our brand new formula has a huge 3 grams of active ingredients in each scoop, which means we can pack in more of the good stuff and bring you an exciting product that not only has diet benefits but also helps with energy and Skinny Juice can even be used as a pre-workout

The results are fabulous, our customers LOVE it. Try it for yourself to see how one simple drink can help you get the results you want and why its a sell out product.

  • Super value 50 days supply
  • All in one product
  • Contains Multivitamins
  • Boost energy levels
  • HIGH Caffeine content
  • Handy for on-the-go

Ingredients: L-carnitine, Multi vitamin blend, Berry Blend, Goji Berry Extract, Acai Berry Extract, Raspberry Ketones, Caffeine, Taurine, L-Theanine, Guarana Extract, Greens complex, Green tea Extract, Green coffee bean extract, Spiralina, Bcaa blend, L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine, L-Valine

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